If you think that soup kitchens are just about feeding the working poor and homeless, take a look at the latest New Covenant Center Email Newsletter. The Stamford-based center is a lively and generous community with people from all walks of life helping out!
New Covenant Center, a program of Catholic Charities, is focused on hunger prevention and social services that lead to a better life for their guests. In this issue, you’ll find a story on young people from Jack and Jill America who made chocolate chips for the guests, and St. Matthew Parish 8th graders who assembled toiletry bags for needy individual and families.
Upcoming events to support the mission of New Covenant Center include a “Zumba” Fundraiser on April 2 at Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church in Stamford, and the 13th Annual Celebrity Breakfast featuring Donna E. Shalala, President of the Clinton Foundation and recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom from President George W. Bush.