Appeal Vice Chairs stress campaign’s importance

By Joe Pisani

FAIRFIELD—When Morgan Mooney was in middle school in New Canaan, she and 10 other
students from the St. Aloysius Parish youth group would drive to Stamford at 6 am before school started to go to Eucharistic adoration. That’s how important her Catholic faith was to her.

Her husband Mark, who grew up outside Cleveland, went to Catholic grammar school and high school and then Fordham University, where he played football. He is firmly committed to Catholic education. The Mooneys’ four children—Jack, Grace, Andrew and Emery—all attend St. Thomas Aquinas School, and Jack is heading to St. Joseph High School in Trumbull in the fall.

Their Catholic faith is the center of their lives. Because of their commitment, Mark and Morgan,
who belong to St. Pius X Parish in Fairfield, were recently named the Vice Chair Couple of the 2023 Bishop’s Annual Appeal.

This year’s Appeal is centered on the theme “One in Christ,” which Bishop Frank J. Caggiano
says is especially urgent “as we work toward unity in our Church and in our society.”

The Appeal’s goal is $8.1 million, unchanged from last year, and each parish will determine
how it will use funds that are raised over their goal by June 30.

“We are on board with the mission, and it’s nice to be part of something you truly believe in,” Morgan said. “We firmly believe in the Catholic Church, and being a part of the Appeal is an honor. We are looking forward to the challenge.”

Mark particularly stressed their support of Catholic education.

“Some people consider it an expense, but we consider it an investment,” he said. “For us, it
is at the top of the list in importance. We also believe it’s good for our kids to see us involved in the Church, trying to help out.”

The Mooneys look forward to working with co-chairs Paula Summa and Jim O’Neill of St. Paul Parish in Greenwich and Monsignor Robert W. Weiss, pastor of St. Rose of Lima Parish in Newtown.

Bishop Caggiano said the Appeal will help create “welcoming, vital and loving” faith communities. Two initiatives begun last year are already helping the diocese move forward in its renewal.

“The Seton Collaborative is bringing much-needed information technology and business operational support to our parishes and schools,” he said. “Likewise, the new Sacred Heart Guild is opening up the power of beauty through sacred art, music and literature in the Catholic tradition. World Youth Day will be celebrated this year and bring hope to young people in our diocese, along with hundreds of thousands of others who are committing their lives to Christ.”

Morgan and Mark also emphasize the ways in which the Appeal helps seminarians and retired priests and the many ministries of the Diocese of Bridgeport.

Mark, who is Vice President of Sales and Marketing for NBC Sports, said, “Vocations are very important to me, along with taking care of retired priests. We all worry about what will happen to Mom and Dad, but what greater gift is there than helping a priest who served so many years?”

Morgan, a graduate of Lafayette College who has held positions at ABC and Discovery, is currently, according to Mark, the “Chief Operating Officer of the Mooney family.” She believes
the Appeal is essential to support the varied work of the Church throughout the diocese, particularly youth ministries.

One of four children, Morgan did Emmaus retreats and was involved in different ministries at St. Aloysius, where her parents Patricia and Robert Albus are active.

“Your faith is such a gift,” Morgan said. “Some don’t realize it. We tell our kids all the time that it is a gift they have been given, and you don’t just put it on the shelf every day. You should be thankful for it, and I think they’re starting to see how wonderful it is.”

Mark, who is the youngest of seven children, still remembers life outside of Cleveland and occasionally attending 6:30 a.m. daily Mass at St. Gregory the Great Parish with his parents before school, usually during Lent. His parents, Rene and Lawrence, still regularly attend daily Mass. “The faith was always part of my life,” he recalls. “My dad has a sister who is an Ursuline nun, and my mom has two sisters who were Ursuline nuns in the same convent. You were Catholic as much as you were Clevelanders and as much as you were Irish.”

From the time they met, the couple realized they shared the same love for the Church. Morgan recalls that when they were dating, they would often go to Mass together and knew they would raise their children in the Catholic faith.

“This was a gift from our parents, and we want to give it to our kids, who are growing up in a very different world from us,” Mark said. “My mom always said, ‘The Holy Spirit is in charge of the Catholic Church … and we don’t have anything to worry about.’”

The couple is active in their faith. Their children are altar servers. Morgan participated in
the Walking with Purpose program at their previous parish in Rye, N.Y. and ran their Advent
By Candlelight service there. She attends Walking with Purpose at St. Pius, their current parish, and Mark is a member of the Men’s Group that meets Saturday mornings.

The Mooneys stress how important it is for everyone to participate in the Annual Bishop’s Appeal and say that no gift is too small. The more people who take part, the more successful it will be.

“We believe in the importance of giving our time, talent and treasure,” Mark said, adding
some wisdom he acquired from Father Joseph M. McShane, S.J., now-retired President of Fordham University. “Father McShane always told me, ‘It’s not how much you’re gonna give … just give,’” Mark said. “If we can increase the percentage of people who give something, the
Appeal will be a great success.”

Pamela S. Rittman, Director of the Appeal said: “When we give through the Bishop’s Appeal, we are taking part in what Christ asks each of us to do, to take care of one another, to be a light and witness of Christ’s love, and to assist those who are continuing to spread the Gospel. Our diocesan programs are focused exactly on these goals. Our Lord blesses us each and every day, so let us continue to assist him by making the means available to fund vital programs. We are grateful for each and every gift, so please know you are making a difference in the lives of people you may never meet.”