Bishop Caggiano Homily for Sunday Mass 12/8

The following is a transcript of Bishop Caggiano’s homily, given Sunday morning, December 8, at St. Augustine

My dear sisters and brothers in the Lord from the time when we were little children, even to this time in our lives, whatever that may be, we have been both reminded and taught and encouraged to pray. To pray every day. For prayer is our opportunity to commune with. to relate with. To speak with our Lord and Savior.

And as you know from your own experience, prayer takes many forms. Sometimes we use words, and for that reason the Lord gave us the great prayer of the Our Father, boys and girls, which you need to memorize and pray every day. It is the perfect prayer using words. But sometimes we don’t use words. We just sit before the Lord and let our hearts speak to Him and He speaks back. And when we do pray, at times we just simply stand before Him and give Him praise and adoration. We give Him thanks for all the blessings He has given you and me. Sometimes we pray for those whom we love, those who have asked for prayers, we intercede for them.

And sometimes you and I, perhaps more than sometimes, we ask for ourselves and the needs you and I have, and at times those needs are many. We pray because the Lord asked us to. Did He not say, ask, and you shall receive. Seek, and you shall find. Knock, and the door will be opened to you. And so, my friends, in our busy lives, we must find always the time to pray.

However, on this day when traditionally we celebrate the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which we will celebrate tomorrow as a solemnity. Because today is a Sunday in Advent, our lady has one more lesson to teach us about prayer, something that you and I at times may forget in all that I just described is your prayer life and mine. One thing to ask for. One thing to seek, one thing to find in your life and mine, which at times we may forget, as ironic as that is. And it was Saint Augustine, our patron, who in his homily on the 33rd Psalm, expressed it best in one question.

Why do you seek things from the Lord when you do not first seek the Lord?

You see, my dear friends, at the heart of all prayer should be one petition. One desire is to ask for Him, for Him to burn in your life and mine, in your heart and mind, in your mind and mine. He is the gift above all other gifts. And many times we ask things from Him, but we do not invite Him into our lives, to rearrange it, to convert it, to transform it, to bring it into his will.

You see, my dear friends, we gather here today to not only learn that lesson, to be reminded of that lesson, but also to pray for our sisters and brothers who are the founding members of the Morning Star Guild, the fifth guild to be created in our diocese, and the Morning Star Guild and its members has only one purpose, and its purpose is to foster in its members and in the whole church a spirituality that honors Our Lady.

Why? Because she is the one who reminds us that everything about us should be about Jesus, and all that we ask for should be first and foremost to seek Him. She did that her entire life. She is the morning star, the brightest star in the sky, which the navigators and sailors used as they did the moon to navigate their way to safety. She is the one who asks us to come to her not because of her, but because of the one she will point us to. There was not an action Our Lady took, not a word Our Lady ever spoke that did not point to her Son, because she sought Him and received Him, and everything else fell into place.

So, my dear friends, those of you who are joining the Guild, I commend you and I will pray for you that God will continue to mold your minds and Hearts so that you might do what Our Lady did, that you will shine a light in your mind and heart, in your words and behaviors, in your values and attitudes that point to Jesus.

But that is how you honor her. You honor her to go to her Son. And may I ask for you and for all of us here today, my friends, the next time you sit to pray, do not first begin with asking for things for yourselves as important as they are. You and I perhaps should not ask for our neighbors and friends first, as much as they are in need. They will be time to ask for all of that. But perhaps we could follow Our Lady.

And before we utter any other words, say to the Lord, I need you. I seek you. Come to me as you came to your son. For you dwelled within her, in her very womb and led her throughout her earthly life to seek nothing else but you. Come to me first and take my mind, my heart, my will, my life, my family and all that I have. And what we will find is that He will answer that prayer. And once that prayer is answered, all the other needs we have and those around us have, they too will be answered, because we will have found what the morning star points to.

That is the Savior of us all.