Bishop on Use of Masks in Church

Allow me to begin by offering you my prayers and best wishes for a Blessed, Joyful and Healthy New Year.

Some pastors have made inquiries regarding a diocesan policy governing mask wearing in Church in light of the precipitous rise of Covid infections in our county. Given the absence of a state mandate that requires the wearing of a mask at indoor gatherings, I ask that you continue to follow all local guidelines regarding this question and other pandemic-related safety protocols, as we have done since the beginning of the pandemic.

Further, in general terms, the Diocese of Bridgeport is strongly recommending that people wear masks while attending Mass in interest of protecting others during the Covid surge. If you wish, please feel free to make this announcement at the start of Mass, as well as online on your parish websites. Also, I ask that you continue to make masks available for those who may have forgotten to bring a mask to Church for use during Mass.

Likewise, our people must be reminded that if anyone feels ill, shows symptoms associated with Covid infection or has serious health issues, they should remain home to protect themselves and their families.