BRIDGEPORT—On April 20, Bishop Frank J. Caggiano sent a letter to the faithful throughout the diocese announcing the May re-launch of the 2020 Annual Catholic Appeal (ACA) and asking all to give as generously in an emergency situation.
The Appeal, which was launched in January, was temporarily halted because of the disruption caused by the coronavirus, which has led to the suspension of public Masses and the curtailment of all events throughout the diocese.
“In these days when we celebrate the promise of new life in Easter, I write to you now to ask your heroic help to re-launch the 2020 Annual Catholic Appeal in a moment of extreme, urgent need,” said the bishop.
In his letter, the bishop praises the heroic response of people at all levels of society who have put their own lives at risk to provide emergency response, healthcare, food, pastoral care and other essential services in Fairfield County.
“I ask that you join the efforts of these heroes and heroines in responding to this emergency appeal. Your contribution will help to allow the Church’s mission to endure so that we can respond effectively to the spiritual, psychological and physical needs of our people.”
The bishop also indicates that during the crisis, many people have turned to the Church, and it has been able to respond because of the past generosity of donors who have given to the ACA and supported the core ministries that serve the needy throughout the diocese.
“I come to you in this emergency to ask for your help to ensure that the Annual Catholic Appeal, which has provided basic human services of food, shelter, education and counseling to many in the past can be maintained and, to the extent possible, be expanded to the many others who are facing real hardship for the first time in their lives.”
“In this hour of need, let us together become the living stones of the Church by loving and serving one another by building a bridge that will carry our sisters and brothers safely through this crisis. And let us do so joyfully in the name of the Risen Lord who has triumphed over sin and death and who will never abandon us.
Pamela Rittman, director of the Annual Catholic Appeal, said the re-launch of the 2020 Appeal will be divided into two major phases. Phase one will run from May 4 through July 15. The second phase, from September 6 through October 31, may be altered or eliminated depending on the initial response.
Rittman said that the ACA re-launch will also be supported by three videos that feature interviews with Bishop Caggiano and highlight people throughout the diocese who are in dire need and who have been hit especially hard by the financial repercussions of the coronavirus. The videos are being produced by Brian Russell of Fairfield.
Rittman said that now more than ever the ACA is responding to the emergency needs of people throughout the diocese and that a strong Spring response is crucial in providing resources to diocesan ministries in a time of crisis.
The bishop said that the challenges are considerable going forward, but he has confidence in the generosity of the faithful.
“As your bishop, I have seen first-hand your extraordinary generosity and I remain deeply grateful. Every time I have asked, you have responded with compassion, with sacrificial giving, and with deep and abiding faith in the Lord and the work of his Church.”
(Please use the envelope enclosed in this issue to make a donation to this year’s Appeal as generously as your means allow. You may also make your gift online at or text the word APPEAL to 475.241.7849. All donations of whatever amount will help us to help those in need.)
By Brian D. Wallace