I remember hearing from my pastor, twenty-something years ago, after playing a round of golf, something that changed the ‘course’ of my life. He said to my Dad, “Jim, in ten years Tim is going to be one of my deacons!” Hearing what he said gave me thoughts of instant denial and total rejection of the idea. “Who me? I could never do that! So I tried not to think about it anymore. Well, here I am, some eleven plus years ordained a deacon in the diocese, and I cannot imagine my life any other way.
Becoming a deacon has been transformative in ways that I could never have imagined. Immersing myself in study and learning about our rich, Catholic tradition has led me to post-graduate work, board certification in hospital chaplaincy, certification as a spiritual director and integrating my faith and my profession daily. Working in hospital ministry at St. Vincent’s Medical Center are things I would never have dreamed for myself. Diaconate opened up all these possibilities for me and who knows what the future holds?
Part of the future is being asked by Bishop Caggiano to serve in the capacity as the Coordinator of Diaconate Vocations. He missioned me to “Go out and build my diaconate!” Has a priest, a deacon, or someone else in your life suggested it to you? Have you ever wondered about it yourself? Do you love to serve others? Are you contemplating integrating your Catholic faith and your actions together in a meaningful way? Maybe diaconate is something you may want to explore? It may take your life in a direction that you could never have imagined. Our Church needs men like you who are willing to contemplate, imagine and wonder if they too are being called to serve.
Deacon Tim Bolton, Coordinator of Diaconate Vocations