In the Gospel for today, it is said that Mary Magdalene and the other Mary were “fearful, yet overjoyed” (Mt 28:8) upon realizing that Christ had risen from the dead, and went to go tell his disciples.
In light of the Resurrection, which we celebrated yesterday on Easter Sunday – that great feast which we continue to celebrate for eight more days, during this Octave of Easter – Christ calls each of us deeper and deeper to Himself. By rising to new life, Jesus proves that not even death itself can overcome the power of God.
The Resurrection, therefore, is not something just to think about on Easter Sunday or during the next eight days, but rather, this wonderful event should give us cause for joy every single day of our lives.
Because of this, we too, like Mary Magdalene and Mary, are called to go and share the Good News, not just one day a year, but all the time, with each person we encounter. Perhaps like Mary and Mary in the Gospel today, we may be fearful. However, the Resurrection of Christ gives us the confidence to follow Him in all that we do and to share His Love with others. When we do this, we too will be overjoyed, just as they were in the Gospel today.