As I get older, I realize that struggles, however uncomfortable they may be, are truly a means to sanctification. Challenges teach us to let go of our desire for control, to surrender our will to God’s, and to trust that God’s plan for our lives is infinitely better than we could imagine. Admittedly, it’s probably not something I would have believed if everything had always panned out the way I would have liked (God definitely knows what He’s doing!). So next time you’re tempted to jealousy or despair, try to focus instead on loving God – really loving Him and being present to the graces He wants to bestow on you in your current circumstances. Go to confession, pray the rosary, read the bible/the Catechism/the stories of the saints. Doing these things will change your life…it’s slowly changing mine. Grace is real. The Sacraments are real. God’s love is real. And you’re never too young or old to begin your faith journey in the Catholic Church.
Eternity is forever, so don’t put off until tomorrow what can be done today. Rest in the knowledge that you are God’s precious child, that he desires to be in relationship with you, and that He will give you the strength to carry (peacefully) whatever crosses come your way. God knows and loves us in spite of our imperfections, will never abandon us, and wants us to be with Him forever in Heaven –so much so that he would have died for each of us on the cross even if we were the only ones in the world (what an amazing thought!).
Diane Kremheller is an Assurance Manager at PwC in Stamford and co-founder of Catholic Adventures Stamford.