This August I attended a retreat in Centerburg, Ohio, called School of the New Evangelization (SNE) hosted by Saint Paul’s Outreach (SPO). SPO is an organization that equips college students to build “evangelistic communities that provide a unique quality and depth of formation in the Catholic faith and life.”
I heard a quote that said “don’t let your ministry for God replace your intimacy with God.” There were definitely times I felt this was true for my life. At SNE I was able to nurture my relationship with Jesus and grow in communion with Catholic students from around the country.
We live in a secular world where God isn’t always welcome in people’s lives, so a big question for Catholics today is how to encourage others to live out the faith? A line used at SNE was “people don’t care what you know until they know that you care.” In a world where relationships often seem “fake,” people aren’t inclined to listen to someone they have no connection with.This is why SPO emphasizes the importance of authentic friendships.
At SNE if you even made eye contact with someone, the next step was to introduce yourself. By the end of the week I had a new squad of friends all striving for sainthood. My week in Ohio was just what I needed before taking on this semester. I feel rejuvenated and much closer to the Lord, and I know He has equipped me to share His love with the people I’ll encounter this year.
By: Priscilla Mahar