Opportunities to stand in solidarity for life

BRIDGEPORT—“On Friday, January 24, people from around the diocese (including myself) will make a pilgrimage to the 47th Annual March for Life in Washington, D.C.,” says Maureen Ciardiello, coordinator of Respect Life and Project Rachel Ministry for the diocese.

“Speaking as a veteran attendee, and not just as the coordinator for the Respect Life and Project Rachel Ministry for the diocese, it is truly a unique experience,” Ciardiello explains. “If you have joined us before, I invite to join us again!  If you have never joined us, I would like to extend an invitation to you.”

Ciardiello shares that in all the years she has attended the march she has never heard one person say they were sorry or regretted the decision to attend. “If anything, they have expressed their surprise at the experience and viewed it in a favorable way,” she says.

She encourages anyone who is on the fence about coming to reach out to her. “Sometimes people are not comfortable because they don’t know what it will be like. I would be happy to have a conversation with you and answer any questions you might have.”

Unable to make the March for Life in Washington D.C.? Join us in prayerful solidarity as we gather together for a special Mass with Bishop Frank J. Caggiano at the Cathedral of St. Augustine on Thursday, January 23 at 6:30 pm.

Let us pray for all the pilgrims attending the March, and for our nation and the world to embrace a culture of life from conception to natural death!

Maureen Ciardiello, Coordinator of Respect Life and Project Rachel Ministry, can be reached at: or 203.416.1445.