Passing the Faith to the Next Generation

As a baptized Christian and Roman Catholic taught to read the Word of God by my Mom, I was deeply agitated by people’s loss of faith in God and this Faith loss caused me to mourn in my spirit in praying to God for Mercy on God’s children.

It was in 1987 at St. Athanasius Catholic Academy religion class in Brooklyn when in the 7th Grade Father Frank Caggiano warmly greeted us, children, to minister God’s word.

As Father Caggiano spoke my whole entire soul let go of all the burdens and suffering of this tired world. My soul exalted in God my Savior. God softened the hurting angst torturing my soul and God washed me in the compassion of His Love.

I was now a warrior for Jesus our Savior for my soul felt a sense of being resurrected in my sense of God our Creator. Now and only now with the listening and acceptance of obedience in God’s Word, I belonged to God Almighty in action for my life.

My spirit was stronger and my obedience through steadfast prayer and reading the Holy Word of God became the strongest it had been, all my life. I decided to ask my Mom Lucy for her Bible to read her highlighted parts for my whole summer. My whole life transformed itself into a walk on water with our Good Shepherd. Quietly I walked with Christ.

Most recently on March 12, 2019, I was blessed with a rare opportunity to attend a lecture at New York City’s Fordham University as Bishop Caggiano ministered Passing on the Faith to the Next Generation. My soul was filled with joy as Bishop Caggiano encouraged me to continue with my faithful service to Jesus Christ and with my songwriting.

I know God sent each human being He created on Earth to ask of God all of our wants, surrender our will in God’s Hands, and ask Our Father to do whatever God wills with our human lives. My beautiful mom, Lucy taught me to daily surrender my life in my prayer into God’ Hands for the fulfillment of Jesus’s return to our Earth. And the Peace of GOD, which surpasseth all understanding, keep your Hearts and Minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7

Marisa Christina D’Alessio – Brooklyn, NY
St. Athanasius Catholic Academy
Bishop Kearney Catholic High School
St. Anselm Roman Catholic Church