The story goes that when Jesus arrived in Heaven after the Resurrection, the angels welcomed Him with great song and praise, congratulating Him on completing His mission. One angel asked, “Lord, now that you have given salvation to the world and formed your church, what happens now? Who will be in charge and continue your work?” Jesus explained that the Apostles would and Peter would be their leader. Upon hearing this, St. Michael the Archangel, who had just come in from a battle with evil, said, “Lord, aren’t these the same people who ran from the cross in fear, the one who denied you three times? You trust them to keep things going? Please tell me there is another plan … seems risky.” Jesus answered “THAT IS THE PLAN”
Peter and Paul each came to the Lord in his own way. There are many paths to the Lord. Jesus leads us and trusts us to get on our path and stay on the path. He walks before us and gives us what we need in every moment. And if we are not sure of ourselves or of the Lord and His plan for us, we look to our great Saints Peter and Paul, an unlikely combination from unlikely backgrounds, who are both filled with the hope and love of the Lord. Trust – THAT IS THE PLAN.
By: Marie Vandall
Director of Religious Education
St. Aloysius Parish, New Canaan