It was hard for me to fall asleep the night before my Ordination to the Transitional Diaconate on May 19, 2018. I was filled with excitement and anticipation at the thought of being in St. Augustine Cathedral in the morning, with my fellow classmates Chris Ford and David Roman, and having Bishop Frank place his hands on my head and infuse my soul with the grace of the Holy Spirit. I pondered what it might feel like to undergo a true ontological change in my being. I also visualized myself lying prostrate on the marble in the sanctuary, only moments before, while the Litany of Saints was being chanted for us to receive additional strength and blessings for our newly minted ministries. As each Saints name would be heard echoing through the Cathedral I wanted to recall the special qualities and virtues they exhibited, including the two I asked to be invoked; Pope St. John Paul II and Maximillian Kolbe.
This special night also reminded me of the night before my wedding some 44 years ago when I thought that I could not possibly love my bride any more than I did at that moment, only to find out after 40+ years of marriage that it was only the tip of an iceberg. I took my marriage vows very seriously then and I was now on the eve of making new and perhaps even more serious promises to my Creator.
Eventually, I was able to fall asleep and get a peaceful night’s rest.
Looking back now on that glorious day in my life, I am rejuvenated with zest and zeal to proclaim my love for the Lord not only in words but more importantly in how I live my life going forward.
Please continue to pray for our vocations and may the peace of Jesus Christ and the love of God be with you always.
By Deacon Peter Adamski