Get Involved
There are several ways you can make a difference in support of the respect and dignity of human life. Pray, get informed, and act.
Pray — Putting Christ at the center of our lives is essential to all that we do. Being able to pray and discern where we are being called to serve and how we are to serve is essential. Offering prayers to move and soften hearts is also important. Rosary, Adoration or requesting a Respect Life Holy Hour at your parish or attending one are some of the prayerful ways we can do this. Check the next available campaign and participate in your local 40 Days for Life or Sidewalk Advocates for Life .
Get Informed — Know what we believe and why. Find out about local legislative issues. These are some of the resources that can help you.Check out the Connecticut Conference of Catholic Bishops website for information impacting the Church statewide here. Find out who your state and local legislators are. Research their stance on different life issues that impact church teachings. Keep in touch with them by writing and/or joining them at local town hall meetings and share your concerns in a respectful, cordial manner. Respectful dialog and correspondence is important. The USCCB’s Pastoral Plan for Pro-Life Activites contains four major pillars that the bishops have set forth as elements necessary for authentic Catholic pro-life efforts in America.
Act — Get involved with your local parish respect life group or committee. If your parish doesn’t have one, start one! Always consult with your pastor and get his support. If you are not able to do that, join another parish respect life group. Contact our office if you need assistance with finding or starting a group.