Rite of Election and Call to Continuing Conversion

TRUMBULL—On the first Sunday of Lent, February 22, parishes across the world celebrate the Rite of Sending for those in the RCIA Process. This shows our universality of our Catholic Church. RCIA stands for Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. At the parish, the desire for full communion in the Catholic Church is celebrated and recognized.

It is at this parish celebration that the local community has the opportunity to express its approval of the catechumens and candidates and sends them forth to the celebration of election and assures them of their parish’s care, support, and prayers.

The Rite of Election (for the catechumens) and the Call to Continuing Conversion (for candidates) was celebrated in the afternoon of February 22 at Saint Theresa Church, Trumbull. Twenty-seven parishes participated in this rite, with one-hundred catechumens and over 130 candidates. Msgr. William Scheyd, Vicar General for the Diocese of Bridgeport, presided over this ceremony held within the Liturgy of the Word.

Michelle Ballard, an Elect from Saint Joseph Parish, Brookfield, said that “Sunday’s ceremony was a life changing experience in my journey within the Catholic faith; I have been learning and embracing the Word and principles of God.”  Her RCIA instructor has been supportive, which has allowed her to embrace, grow, and become the Elect that she is.  Her godmother has also been a model and is most grateful for her in her life.

It is an honor and privilege for Michelle O’Mara to be a godparent for Matthew Ceperly from Saint Thomas the Apostle Parish, Norwalk. As godparent, Michelle promises to pray for him, encourage, support, and teach him God’s loving mercy and goodness. She also promises to be a good and true Catholic witness. Michelle hopes to guide him on this pilgrimage so that he can take his place within the Church sharing his gifts and talents as an intentional disciple of Christ.

For more information regarding RCIA and adult formation within the Diocese, contact Gina Donnarummo at (203) 416-1446 or