I saw Jesus’s resurrected body. That same body that was crucified and rose almost two thousand years ago was in my hometown. The whole group of about sixty people and I can all testify to it. We saw Him, received Him, and prayed with Him.
It all happened at my church. When the priest took bread and said “this is my Body” and took wine and said “this is my Blood,” Jesus was actually there. The priest didn’t hold bread and wine anymore. He held the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus himself. He didn’t hold a symbol of Jesus, something that just points to Jesus. No, the Eucharist didn’t point to anything else. The priest held Jesus. He held God.
What a gift it is to be even in the same room as God himself! If there was a fee charged to enter the church, the tickets would be impossible to value. We are likely to spend money on tickets just to be able to see the people that we admire, which is all well and good. The Mass, however, offers something and someone greater, all for free!
What an amazing, an awesome, a great gift it is as Catholics to be able to consume the Eucharist—to be able to partake in the best the Church can offer to help us reach sainthood. Where we can let ourselves be changed and become more like God.
This week, we all have the opportunity to encounter the same Jesus that walked the earth two thousand years ago. We have the opportunity to encounter the same Jesus that I saw not too long ago in the Sacrament of the Eucharist, offered every day in every Catholic Church around the world.
By: Martín Eizayaga