Sharing Their Faith Journey

FAIRFIELD—“SHU Journey has definitely changed me for the better. I have made so many wonderful friends and I have been able to experience God through all of them. It has been a place for me to deepen my faith and share my opinions with a community in the presence of God,” said Immaculate High School junior Elizabeth Flaherty at the wrap- up of the SHU Faith Journey Friday at Sacred Heart University.

Six college student leaders from Sacred Heart University served as mentors to twenty-four high school students from around the Diocese as they shared a journey of faith education, self-discovery, and leadership.

Students participated in faith instruction, small group discussion, community service, music ministry, prayer and reflection. Participants also heard from keynote speakers who are Catholic leaders, both lay and religious, around the Diocese.

“It’s so hard to put into words how amazing and life-changing SHU Journey was. Before I came, I doubted that God loved me. Once I got here, I was automatically welcomed by Anthony (my mentor) who has a huge smile on his face. From that second on, I knew that I had met my ‘people,” said 10th grader Aubri Ancona.

“From discussions with Kendra and Trevor. To classes with Father Ciorra, SHU Journey has completely transformed me. Not that I am going, I am leaving as a happier Aubri.” – Aubri Ancona, 10th grader

“Sacred Heart Journey has been such a phenomenal experience filled with so many profound conversations and special moments. These friends will be with me when I go home and I’m truly blessed to have this life-changing experience.,” said Michelle DeMotte; St. Joseph Church, Danbury.

“SHU Journey has definitely changed me for the better. I have made so many wonderful friends and I have been able to experience God through all of them. It has been a place for me to deepen my faith and share my opinions with a community in the presence of God.” – Elizabeth Flaherty; Junior at Immaculate High School, Danbury

“I learned that ‘The God within you is seeking to connect with the God within the other,” said Julia Rosati who also took the faith journey.

Julia Rosati (left)

SHU Journey focuses on viewing God and the world through the Catholic intellectual tradition and how this applies to their lives.

SHU Journey is a Lilly Endowment Summer Theological Institute for High School Youth. The Lilly Endowment provides grants to Catholic and Christian colleges to run similar institutes around the country.

The goals of the program are to educate students in faith and help them to relate what they learn to their lives and the greater world; and to foster the ability for them to become leaders in their faith.