St. Catherine/St. Agnes food drive continues

RIVERSIDE—Generous donations arrived today to the weekly Tuesday morning Neighbor-to-Neighbor Food and Essentials Drive at St. Catherine’s sponsored by the Social Justice Committee.

Donations filled three trunks and two back seats. Volunteers and staff sent out a heart-felt thank you to all who participated. The need continues!

Food Items Needed: peanut butter and jelly, oatmeal, canned meats (chicken, chili, Vienna sausages), Chef Boyardi ravioli, tuna, canned fruit, black or red kidney beans (dried or canned), cereal, rice, soup.

Non-Food Items Needed (which cannot be purchased with food stamps): toilet paper, toiletries, paper towels, sanitary products, cleaning products, etc. and brown paper grocery bags.

Until further notice, there will be a car or SUV with an open trunk in the parking lot across from St. Catherine’s church on Tuesdays from 9- 11 am. Please drop your bagged grocery donations in the trunk, and we will take them to Neighbor-to-Neighbor.

(For more information visit