I was from Catholic family and attended Catholic elementary school. My friends and I would dress “like nuns” when we played school. The sisters who taught us were mostly junior professed and fun. I joined their vocation club, but meetings just served to let us hang out with our teachers after school. When I went to Catholic high school I cannot say I thought much about entering the convent (I was having too much social life.) until senior year when I was confronted with life choices and realized maybe I should consider being a sister. I knew they had a balanced life, time for prayer, time with community, and a helping profession. As I approached graduation the idea started being in the back of my mind.
One day, one of the sisters asked me if I thought I had a religious vocation. I had never dreamed anyone thought I was “convent material”. Maybe God did want me! I started to cry and retreated to the restroom until I could dry out. I decided that if I were serious I would enter the community at the high school because they were more of a cultural fit. I also greatly admired our principal who was battling cancer, heroically coming down once a day from her sickbed on the convent side to teach Latin IV to us.
Mom, who would have preferred me taking the regular route, marriage, had to be convinced. But after all these years, I have to say it’s been a wonderful life.
Sr. Nancy Strillacci A.S.C.J.
Program Director Delegate for Religious