With the Baptism of the Lord, we arrive at the end of the Christmas Season, a time marked by the tender love and humility of God who became man in the poverty of a stable in Bethlehem to be with us always and save us. These characteristics are present throughout the life of Jesus and shine with particular beauty in today’s feast.
The baptism of John was a baptism of repentance and conversion, so there was no need for Christ, the perfect and sinless man, to participate in it. Still, in humble obedience, Jesus chose to be baptized by a man. Out of love, He carried upon Himself the burden of our sins and, lowering Himself in the waters of the Jordan, He united himself with us in a special way. He said yes to His mission to give up His life to reconcile us, which will be fully accomplished with His death and resurrection, and God the Father proclaimed Him as His beloved Son.
As we meditate upon the Baptism of the Lord, let us give thanks to God for the gift our own baptism, because through it we too become the beloved children of God and are given all the grace that we need to be holy. This is the greatest gift God gives us, but it can only bear fruits in our lives if we accept it, if we say yes to God in the daily circumstances of our lives.
Mapi Cerdeña
Director, High School Apostles