This is the Church’s love in action

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My friends, as you know, I have the honor and privilege to serve as the chairman of the Catholic Relief Services board of directors.
I am so grateful for this vital work the Church does to assist the poor, both in the United States and overseas. I would like to share with you an example of recently shared with me.

Low-income people around the world don’t typically have access to traditional banks, making it difficult to get loans or save money. CRS works side by side with low-income communities to create savings groups using a holistic, microfinance approach that provides a safe place for families to save and borrow to increase their income. It truly makes a difference in people’s lives, like Remy. Her house in the Philippines would sometimes flood up to her waist when there were heavy rains, but after she got a loan through her local CRS savings group, she was able to start a small business selling coconuts. The money she earned allowed her to raise the floor of her house, so now she doesn’t have to worry about flooding. This is the Church’s love in action.

The previous reflection originally appeared on Bishop Frank Caggiano’s Facebook page. Follow the Bishop for daily reflections and weekly videos.