“What are you looking for?”
This was the focal point of our pilgrimage. That throughout this journey, open our hearts, open our minds, and discover the answer to the question that tugs at the center of our lives.
In the grotto at the Church of Annunciation, the place where Our Lady said, “YES” to the will of God, I found myself falling prostrate, hands covering my heart, and saying, “O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.” It was in these thirteen words that my answer began to form. I am searching for a way to draw more closely to the heart of Christ. I want to conform myself to His will, transform myself into a being that says, “FIAT”, and that says, “I am your servant O Lord.” This can only be done by asking the intercession of Our Blessed Mother. St Louis de Montfort says, “To Jesus through Mary.” To draw near to His heart, to completely and totally transform ourselves, the path leads through Our Lady.
This pinnacle moment happened at the beginning of our journey. And thankfully, I was able to apply it to the rest of the pilgrimage. As I approached every holy site, I would offer that moment & encounter up to Our Lord, say a Hail Mary, and begin to draw near to Him.
Let us ask the Lord, that by His Mother, we may be more able to draw near to the Sacred Heart of Christ.
By: Mike Falbo
Youth Minister and Holy Land Pilgrim