Where Do We Go From Here?

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As the New Year begins in earnest, the question that seems to be on everyone’s mind is: where do we go from here? For the pandemic, which seemed to be diminishing through mid-fall, stubbornly refuses to end and the quest for a more normal return to life has been upended with the surge created by the Omicron variant. I know that many feel worn down by these last 20 months and yearn for a time when we can visit friends and family without fear and enjoy the simple blessings of life that we often for granted. I know our collective prayer is that the latest surge will be the final crescendo in this pandemic and that the spring of this new year will finally bring real relief.

However, the question remains. Where do we go from here? It seems like an odd question to repeat. However, I believe it is the most pressing question that we face. For the answer may be as simple as the question: to go out in mission and to serve those around us, in small and great ways. I recognize to suggest that we go out in mission may seem idealistic and unrealistic given the surge of infections around us. However, going out in mission does not necessarily mean to physically travel out into the world. Rather, you and I can go out in mission in our own homes and among our closest friends. In these cases, mission can take the form of compassion, patience and understanding with those with whom we live, many who are hurting as much as we are. It can mean picking up the phone to reach out to neighbors, fellow parishioners and friends, assuring them of our love, thoughts and prayers. Mission can also mean that we go out into the world prudently, carefully and courageously, connecting with people who feel abandoned or isolated, suffering from 20 months of anxiety and fear.

Whatever the pandemic brings, our mission is to be agents of healing and hope. That is our Christian mission. That is what the Lord is asking from us.

The previous reflection originally appeared on Bishop Frank Caggiano’s Facebook page. Follow the Bishop for daily reflections and weekly videos.