Christ gathered his disciples around him, and after Christ blessed them, he ascended into heaven. Imagine what this might have been like for the disciples. They had recently witnessed His glorious resurrection after His brutal death. Now, Christ is leaving them. Why? I’m not sure any of the disciples could’ve answered this question. They must have been scared and confused. I would’ve been heartbroken if the risen Christ had left my side. Despite this lack of understanding, we learn that the disciples “returned to Jerusalem with great joy, and they were continually in the temple praising God.” How did the disciples find joy in this situation?
Though the disciples didn’t understand, they still trusted God. Little did they know that Christ was returning to His rightful kingdom to be the joy of all the saints and that he was preparing a place for all of us. He also would be sending the Holy Spirit ten days later to fulfill the promise He made to His disciples while on Earth. Just as God was faithful to His disciples, He will be faithful to you!
Sometimes, God’s will might seem senseless and frustrating. However, in these moments, we are called to lean a little less on our own understanding and more on God’s wisdom. God knows what is best for each of His children, and we can find the joy and peace that the disciples experienced if we trust in His holy will. Next time something unfortunate or challenging occurs in your life, pray from the heart this simple prayer: “Jesus, I trust in you.”
By: Chris Huben