The Saint Luke Guild for Healthcare Workers is an association and community of healthcare workers within the Diocese of Bridgeport, striving to live our Catholic faith, who desire to grow in Christian discipleship through a process of encounter with our Lord, Jesus Christ, and mutual accompaniment.
We host periodic “Prayerful Encounters” which are open to anyone connected to the healthcare field as well as spiritual, social and formation gatherings for its inducted members.
Welcome to the St. Luke Guild
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If you would like to connect with the St. Luke Guild, see the calendar of upcoming events and stay up to date on Guild happenings, please click below.
If you are an “Inducted” Guild Member or you are interested in becoming an “Aspirant,” someone discerning joining the Guild, please click below.
The Healing Power of Beauty
Fr. Michael Clark, Moderator for the Guild of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, speaks to the St. Luke Guild for Healthcare Workers about the Healing Power of Beauty.
Loving God,
You created us with the capacity to heal, to restore and to offer peace, hope and love through our role in Catholic healthcare ministry.
Help us to be visible signs of compassion in the world today, honoring every person we meet who is in need of healing.
When our burdens are heavy, renew us, and remind us of the blessings as well as the privilege of our calling.
Reawaken our commitment to the healing ministry of Your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.