Home (Fall 2024)

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Information on the upcoming Eucharistic Procession is coming soon!

Visit the Spring 2004 Eucharistic Page.


Click here to jump to the Procession Locations & Schedule


Beginning on Tuesday, October 29, our five-day Eucharistic Procession will pass through Newtown, Bethel, Brookfield, Danbury and New Fairfield. The Blessed Sacrament will visit all twelve parishes, all six Catholic schools, one university and one Catholic cemetery.

A special All Hallows Day event will be held on October 31 in the afternoon for children of all ages at Immaculate High School in Danbury.

Morning Masses, joined by local Catholic school students, will be celebrated by Bishop Caggiano, as will evening Holy Hours.

Eucharistic processions around church and school campuses, as well as through the streets of Danbury, will occur daily, with candlelight processions, praise and worship and overnight adoration concluding each day.

Our five-day celebration will culminate with an All Souls Day Mass and Eucharistic Procession on November 2 at Saint Peters Cemetery in Danbury.

On Sunday, November 3 Bishop Caggiano will induct the initial members of the Guild of the Blessed Sacrament at the Saint Augustine Cathedral in Bridgeport. During our Eucharistic Procession we will witness truth, beauty and profound encounters as we accompany and inspire one another to fall deeper in love with Christ and his True Presence in the Holy Eucharist.


Click to watch the Passionate & Joyful children of Stamford as they Celebrate the arrival of Christ!

This joyfully beautiful 2-minute video is from our May Procession Mass at Saint Cecilia in Stamford. Over 800 faithful attended Mass, and most processed with for the mile walk to Saint Gabriel, Cardinal Kung and Mater Salvatoris. Hundreds of children, young and old, were well prepared and passionate for the coming of our Lord!

Thoughts from our May Procession

The Grace of our Procession inspired our minds, touched our souls and Enthused our Hearts
Passionate believers of our Lord walking beside one another in faith
An Accompaniment sincere and intense
Joyful moments that will be with us, evermore

Our joyful May Procession, as part of the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage, brought the Blessed Sacrament to 18 parishes, one shrine, one cemetery and a beautiful park where hundreds knelt in the grass to accompany one another in prayer. More than 6,000 faithful participated, including schoolchildren and our diverse, multilingual congregations. Together we encountered Christ in truth and beauty during Masses, Holy Hours, Overnight Adoration, and Processions through towns and cities.

The grace of our Procession has inspired our minds, touched our souls and enthused our hearts over the course of four blessed days. True believers walking beside one another in faith. An accompaniment sincere and intense. Moments that will be with us, joyfully, evermore.

Have questions or need more information?
Please e-mail Steven Filizzola at SFilizzola@diobpt.org



In addition to the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage visiting the Diocese of Bridgeport from May 19 to 22, there will be several other local celebrations of Eucharistic Renewal in the diocese throughout May and June!




Parishes & Schools


Day One

October 29, 2024

Locations: Newtown
Parishes & Schools: St. Rose of Lima Church (Newtown)

‘One drop of blood to redeem all creation' By Rose Brennan
Video and full transcript of Bishop Caggiano's Homily
Bishop Caggiano reflects at a Votive Mass of the Precious Blood, which kicked off the Greater Danbury Eucharistic Procession at St. Rose of Lima Parish on October 29.

Day Two

October 30, 2024

Locations: Bethel, Brookfield, Newtown
Parishes & Schools: Our Lady of Guadeloupe (Danbury), St. Joseph (Brookfield), St. Marguerite (Brookfield), St. Mary Church & School (Bethel), St. Rose of Lima Church & School (Newtown)

The Eucharist: Food for life with Jesus by Kathy-Ann Gobin
St. Rose of Lima School and the community of faithful celebrated the gift of the Eucharist at a Mass with Bishop Frank J. Caggiano at the beginning of the second day of the Greater Danbury Eucharistic Procession.

Greater Danbury procession visits diocese’s newest parish by Joe Pisani
Several hundred members of the Brazilian-American community came out to worship the Eucharistic Jesus at Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception of Aparecida Parish during the Greater Danbury Eucharistic Procession on October 30.

Day Three

October 31, 2024

Locations: Danbury
Parishes & Schools: Immaculate Church (Danbury), Our Lady of Guadeloupe (Danbury), St. Gregory the Great Church & School (Danbury), Immaculate High School (Danbury)

Celebrating the True Meaning of Halloween
Trick-or-treats, costumes and candy may be on the minds of many today but the true meaning of Halloween is found in its name, Diocese of Bridgeport Bishop Frank J. Caggiano said at a Mass he celebrated at St. Gregory the Great School as part of the Greater Danbury Eucharistic Procession.

Our Lady of Guadalupe

Day Four

November 1, 2024

Locations: Danbury, New Fairfield
Parishes & Schools: St. Edward (New Fairfield), St. Joseph Church & School (Danbury), St. Peter Church & School (Danbury), West Conn State Univ. (Danbury)

Greater Danbury Eucharistic Procession at St Peter Parish Danbury

Day Five

November 2, 2024

Locations: Danbury
Parishes & Schools: Sacred Heart Church (Danbury), Saint Peter Cemetery (Danbury)

All Souls Day: Celebrating victory over death by Kathy-Ann Gobin
The fifth and final day of the Greater Danbury Eucharistic Procession culminated on All Souls Day with a Mass celebrated by Bishop Frank J. Caggiano at St. Peter Cemetery.

Bishop Caggiano's Homily, All Souls Day Mass

"The One" is our commitment to focus every aspect of the Church on bringing individuals closer to God. We achieve this goal by creating opportunities for encountering our Lord Jesus Christ and fostering communities that accompany and support each other on their faith journeys.

"The One" is our preamble for an enduring Eucharistic Renewal, and is centered on encounter and accompaniment, and experiencing the truth, beauty and goodness of our faith. A deep relationship with the person of Jesus Christ begins with an encounter-an experience of God that moves us, inspires us, challenges us, and improves us. We then accompany each other on our faith journey, in which we witness Truth (our absolute faith in God) Beauty (the engagement of heart in the faith) and Goodness (works of mercy).

Through encountering our Lord Jesus Christ, and by embracing the truth, beauty, and goodness of our faith, we will, together, fall in love with God in the ultimate encounter with Christ: the Holy Eucharist and Sunday Mass.