BRIDGEPORT—If you can’t make it on Sunday, please know you can tune in to Mass at 8 am (every day of the week) on Veritas Catholic Network.
Bishop Frank J. Caggiano will speak quite a bit about the Coronavirus on this week’s episode of Let Me Be Frank; how Catholics should respond to the current situation, as well as the hands-on response of Catholic Charities. The show airs on 1350am at noon on Wednesday, and you can catch the podcast on these platforms: Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, and TuneIn Radio.
Steve Lee, President of Veritas Catholic Network has urged listeners to pray for one another and to tune in for an edifying conversation.
Veritas also has many excellent shows on the air… Al Kresta (4-6 pm M-F) and Teresa Tomeo (9-10 am M-F) look at current events, Called to Communion (2-3 pm M-F) and Catholic Answers Live (6-8 pm M-F) take all questions about the Catholic faith, and you can hear from family counselors on More2Life (10-11 am M-F) and The Doctor Is In (1-2 pm M-F)… just to name a few.
Remember, there’s a place to go when they’re tired of listening to music and they want to be fed. We’re at 1350am on the radio, or download the Veritas Catholic Network app on the Apple Store or Google Play Store.