Drive-thru Easter Parade!

NEWTOWN—As a way to celebrate Easter, while still practicing social distancing, St. Rose School families organized an Easter car parade to greet pastor Msgr. Robert Weiss with messages of hope, support and love.

Organized by a St. Rose parent who put the offer out and received so many positive responses.

More than 50 cars lined the parking lot decorated with Easter messages and filled with enthusiastic children and families who called out loving messages to Monsignor as they passed by the rectory porch where he stood waving back to them and calling out “Thank you and God bless.”

The St. Rose School spirit is strong!

St. Rose of Lima Catholic School is a Christ-centered community committed to academic excellence in an atmosphere that nurtures the spiritual, intellectual, emotional, physical and moral development of each child. The dedicated staff partners with families to prepare students to be responsible leaders in a global society by fostering integrity, service and respect. By creating a sense of family where all are welcome, they encourage each child to develop his/her gifts and to become Christ’s compassionate heart and hands in the world. They center their community of learning around the four core values of respect, integrity, academic excellence and service. Their spirituality is fostered through their close connection with St. Rose of Lima church. Students attend weekly Mass and are blessed by the continual presence of Msgr. Robert Weiss and the other parish priests.

(For more information on St. Rose of Lima school, visit their website at: