My little ones, my birds, my praises sing,
My glory shines from each suspended wing.
The birds are children of the light,
gayly singing, dawn ‘til night.
And safely sleep, no fear have they,
I feed and shelter them each day.
The birds of prey are children of the night,
In silence do their wings give flight.
My children safe they will not find,
for daylight makes the searcher blind.
Four-legged things in burrows deep.
cannot escape the killer’s eye.
My children fair sleep in fresh air,
‘til dawn alights the sky.
My children, grow and test your wings.
A bird must fly as well as sing.
Fear not to leave the safety of the nest.
The time is right to try.
Look out and see how others pass the test,
for birds it is no trick to fly.
It takes a leap to get you off
and trust in Me.
Then gliding effortlessly out,
You’ve won a victory over doubt.
Flying is no special gift,
just stretch your wings,
and I’ll provide the lift.
It is not long ‘til you can soar
far above the earthly floor,
and rise to Me
on wings of faith.
And now you’ll find you’re well equipped to soar
to heights you’ve never seen before.
These heights, familiar but to Me,
I want to share with thee.
Poem by John J. Flynn, a parishioner of St. John Parish in Darien