I’ve always had a love/hate relationship with this time of the year. On the one hand, I love the crispness of the air, the coolness of the nights, pumpkin spice flavored things, apple picking, and college football. On the other, I always hated that summer was ending, because that meant it was time to go back to school, and thus, back to responsibilities.
Now that I am older and out of school, I still feel a similar way. I am always sad to see my siblings go back to school (remembering that feeling myself), and I am especially sad to see the energy and excitement of summer wain until the quiet preparation of autumn.
These days, I find this time of year to be exciting and full of hope. As people are returning to work and school in the Diocese of Bridgeport, and summer vacations are ending, we’re preparing for some of the most exciting work we’ve done yet here in the Catholic Center. As I was planning the next few weeks on our Diocesan Social Media, I was in awe of the many ministries, events, and opportunities that my coworkers have created for the faithful here in the Diocese.
Wherever I go in the Diocese, visiting parishes or covering events, there seems to be a pervasive excitement swelling in our communities. And it is contagious! Now, instead of drifting into the melancholy that the end of summer often brings, I cannot help but feel that same excitement. Bring on the autumn!
By: John Grosso
Social Media Leader
Diocese of Bridgeport