Somehow we find ourselves in the fifth week of Lent, just days away from the start of Holy Week. At this point in the season, some of us are feeling worn down by our Lenten sacrifices and commitments, while others are regretting the resolutions we didn’t keep and spiritual revelations we haven’t quite reached. Nevertheless, Holy Week is beginning and in spite of the temptation to give up, slack off, or try again next year, our Lord Jesus is still patiently waiting for us to accept His invitation to go deeper in our relationship with Him. Now is the time to pray a little more each day, even if we haven’t been faithful to the standards that we set for ourselves on Ash Wednesday. We still have opportunities to die to self, to choose the good, and to unite ourselves to Christ as He journeys to Calvary.
Preparing for Holy Week- Don’t Give Up!

So as we begin Holy Week, let’s renew our commitment to Christ in both the large and the small things and meet Him as He begins his journey to Calvary for our salvation.
Jess Nayden