Remembering the 11th anniversary of Sandy Hook

Today we remember the lives of the children and educators who were killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School 11 years ago today, on December 14, 2012.

We pray for the repose of the souls of the victims, for healing and peace for their loved ones and survivors, and for an end to all violence in our community, especially for an end to gun violence in our country and across the world, and for the children who deserve childhoods filled with joy and free from violence and terror.

We remember

Charlotte Bacon, 6
She wanted to be a veterinarian when she grew up, and liked practicing Tae Kwon Do with her father and brother.

Daniel Barden, 7
He loved to ride waves at the beach and played drums in a band with his brother and sister.

Rachel D’Avino, 29
She was a hard worker and a risk-taker, and did everything with confidence, but never arrogance.

Olivia Engel, 7
She would lead the family in praying grace before dinner, and loved riding on her grandfather’s boat.

Josephine Gay, 7
She loved peanut butter and would use a new spoon for each mouthful. Her parents would find the spoons all around the house.

Dawn Hochsprung, 47
She made going to see the principal fun, and dressed as the Sandy Hook Book Fairy” to encourage reading.

Dylan Hockley, 6
He adored his big brother and liked to play tag with his neighbors at the bus stop.

Madeleine Hsu, 6
She would wear flowery dresses that matched her personality and loved her two sisters.

Catherine Hubbard, 6
She was known for her bright red hair and her love for animals.

Chase Kowalski, 7
He was a Cub Scout who loved to play baseball and run in races.

Jesse Lewis, 6
He loved playing with his toy soldier, and had an infectious and radiant smile.

Ana Marquez-Greene, 6
She loved to sing and never walked anywhere, preferring to dance from one place to another.

James Mattioli, 6
He was great at math, and his big brown eyes followed everything his big sister did.

Grace McDonnell, 7
She loved painting and would draw peace signs in the bathroom mirror when it fogged up after a shower.

Anne Marie Murphy, 52
She had four children and enjoyed the arts and walking in the great outdoors.

Emilie Parker, 6
She loved the color pink and filling notes with all her drawings.

Jack Pinto, 6
He loved the New York Giants and enjoyed wrestling during the football off-season.

Noah Pozner, 6
His favorite food was tacos, and he loved playing Super Mario on the Wii.

Caroline Previdi, 6
She loved art and dance, and some of her favorite words were, “Isn’t that WONDERFUL?”

Jessica Rekos, 6
She loved horseback riding, writing, and playing with her little brothers.

Avielle Richman, 6
She loved horses, Harry Potter, the color red, and running around without shoes on.

Lauren Rousseau, 30
She was known for her exuberance, her love of family and children, and her ever-present smile.

Mary Sherlach, 56
An avid Miami Dolphins fan, she loved helping her students overcome any problem.

Victoria Soto, 27
She had an infectious laugh and loved The Little Mermaid, flamingoes and the New York Yankees.

Benjamin Wheeler, 6
He was a strong swimmer, and enjoyed The Beatles, lighthouses and taking the 7 train to Sunnyside, Queens.

Allison Wyatt, 6
She would tape her drawings up all over the house and loved to make her parents laugh.