God’s love is abundant.
Something tells me this isn’t news to anyone, because we hear tales of God’s love constantly in our pews and in our lives. But do we actually believe this? Do we actually, in the depths of our hearts, believe God the Father’s words in today’s Gospel? Do we actually believe that we are His beloved sons and daughters, “with whom [He] is well pleased?”
As God the Father said to Jesus thousands of years ago, He says to us today and every day of our lives. You, reading this reflection at this very moment, are His beloved son or daughter, with whom He is well pleased.
As God the Father was present throughout the life of Jesus, shown clearly in today’s Gospel when He reveals His presence by speaking audibly to all those gathered on Mount Tabor, He is present in your life and mine. Even in the midst of suffering, pain, and struggle, God is there with us, helping us to bear the burden.
God’s love for us is abundant. He wants nothing more than for us to remain in that love and “listen to Him,” to His promptings in our daily lives. So let us remain there, in the warmth of His loving embrace, so that we can say with St. Peter: “Lord, it is good for us to be here.”