It is a sobering realization to recognize that I stand on the verge of ordination to the priesthood, a moment for which I had so often hoped and for which I can never hope to be worthy. I can only say what an honor and privilege it has been to have shared this journey with so many individuals, and to have received such support from so many in the Diocese of Bridgeport, clergy and laity alike.
I heard it said once that one should not become a priest if one does not love people. Indeed, it is my love for God’s people that has brought me here. Why do I want to become a priest? Not for myself, but for the service of God’s Church and His people. I pray that every soul I encounter through the nourishment of the sacraments will be taught and guided for the sanctity and building up of The Body of Christ.
As Ordination approaches, I am reminded of Jean Jacques Olier, P.S.S., whose words have guided me throughout the years: “The bishop admonishes priests at their ordination to imitate what they have in their hands, Imitamini quod tractais (Latin for: imitate what you celebrate); it is an order to place before their eyes the principal model they should manifest in the obligation they have to imitate Jesus Christ in the state in which he shows himself to them in the most Holy Eucharist.”
By: Deacon Tim Iannacone (Soon to be Fr. Tim Iannacone!)