“Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle…” will be spoken, per the request of Bishop Caggiano, at the end of every Mass said in the Diocese. In the Book of Revelation, it is written, “Now war arose in heaven, Michael and his angels fighting against the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought, but they were defeated and there was no longer any place for them in heaven…” (Rev. 12:7-8).
Saint Michael led the battle against Satan and his followers. After the expulsion of Satan and his demons from the Kingdom of God, it was the Evil One’s mission for our fate to be the same as his: to live eternity outside the presence of God.
Spiritual warfare began in the Garden of Eden where our first parents fell into the Satan’s trap. The success of Satan’s temptations can be seen all throughout the Bible. An examination of conscience would show how easily we fall into temptation. Christ may have won the victory on the Cross, but that is not an excuse to passively participate in it.
We must fight against evil by living a life of heroic virtue and praying heroically. Until the day of final judgment, as there will be no end to the mercy of God, there will be no end to the tricks of the devil. By imploring the intercession of the Archangel, we are aided in the spiritual battle which will lead to the renewal of the Church and of our souls.
Colin Lomnitzer is a seminarian for the Diocese of Bridgeport studying theology at Saint Joseph’s Seminary in Yonkers, NY.