According to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USSCB) website, “During Lent, we seek the Lord in prayer by reading Sacred Scripture; we serve by giving alms; and we practice self-control through fasting. We are called not only to abstain from luxuries during Lent, but to a true inner conversion of heart as we seek to follow Christ’s will more faithfully.” So just like many of us do every year, I thought I’d give up a few things and make a concerted effort to be more generous through food donations to local pantries. Shortly before Lent began, I experienced an epiphany. Why not try to get to daily Mass?
So, I went on the internet to search for parish Mass schedules hoping I could find times that would give me some flexibility around work. I never dreamed I would be able to choose among 82 parishes and St. Margaret’s Shrine. This gave me the opportunity to attend Mass at several parishes close to my office during the week and discover new parishes farther from my home and office on the weekend.
Fittingly, I started my Lenten devotion on Ash Wednesday at my first parish – St. Patrick of Bridgeport and went to Easter Mass at my current parish – St. Jude of Monroe. In between, I was able to attend Mass at 36 beautiful churches in 17 different towns and cities around our Diocese—and hear Mass in 4 different languages. I was able to experience both the ethnic influences that inspired the development of these parishes as well as those currently being served. During my travels, I took a trip back in time to hear Mass in Polish at St. Michael and in Spanish at St. Peter. I was also able to attend Mass in more “modern” church buildings like St Mary Marguerite, St. Mark and St. Edward the Confessor. All told, it was an enjoyable and enlightening way to try to “follow Christ’s will more faithfully.”
You don’t have to wait until next Lent to take in a Mass at another Church in our Diocese. Every now and then, go out on a limb and visit another parish. It’s a great way to refresh your faith. And, when the 2024 Lenten season rolls around, I’d give some serious consideration to becoming a daily communicant. It will change the perspective of your Lenten journey.
By Joseph Matthews
Editor’s Note: Joseph Matthews is a Monroe resident and member of St. Jude Parish.