BRIDGEPORT—In challenging economic times, parishioners have demonstrated their generosity in giving to the 2023 Bishop’s Appeal, “One in Christ,” whose goal is to unite the diocese in service, compassion and faith.
When he launched the appeal, Bishop Frank J. Caggiano said it was “more important now than ever that we work toward unity in our Church and in our society.”
“People in our parish have been very generous and responded with enthusiasm because they understand the importance of supporting the work of the local church and the diocese in Fairfield County,” said Father John Connaughton, pastor of St. Cecilia-St. Gabriel Parish in Stamford. His parish reached 107 percent of its goal with $144,048 in donations.
Father Connaughton praised his parishioners and attributed the success to regular updates at the end of Mass and being encouraged to participate. In some cases, he said, it was “a real sacrifice for people,” who nevertheless contributed.
“We’re not a wealthy parish, but the people are devoted to the parish,” he said. “We announced what was happening in the beginning of the year, and they responded. They knew that what we collected over the goal by June 30 would come back to the parish, and that was a helpful incentive for them to make their pledges.
The diocesan goal for the appeal is $8.1 million, unchanged from last year, and each parish will determine how it uses funds that were raised over their goals.
Dr. Eleanor W. Sauers, Parish Life Coordinator of St. Anthony of Padua Parish in Fairfield, said this was the first year they had co-chairs for the appeal and the results were evident. St. Anthony’s reached 127.5 percent of its original goal of $111,100.
“I am extremely grateful to John and Beth Kelly and thrilled with the results,” she said. “I’m so grateful for the generosity of this parish. People are always willing to chip in and help any way they can. Anytime you need something, you just mention it, and generous, kind-hearted people come forth.”
She said that appointing co-chairs to promote the appeal also “took a lot of that pressure off me so I could be an administering presence.”
John Kelly described Dr. Sauers as “a great person and a great leader.” And even though the couple have been active in the parish, this was the first time they had taken on a responsibility like this.
“We spoke at all the Masses on three different weekends—in February, in April and in July— and thanked parishioners after we made the goal,” Kelly said. “I tried to emphasize what the appeal supports— it’s a long list of ministries and activities in the diocese—and explain the importance of the appeal from a parish perspective.”
He said the materials the diocesan Development Office provided were particularly helpful and kept parishioners informed about the progress of the appeal.
“We kept it in front of people and then would say, ‘We’re almost to the goal so please consider making a gift,’” he said.
As a result, many people came forward who were first-time donors, and the participation rate reached nearly 30 percent.
“I told a person this past weekend that almost 30 percent of the parish households participated,” Kelly said. “If you can get above 15 percent, you’re doing pretty good, so to have almost 30 percent is a credit to the parish.”
Dr. Sauers described St. Anthony’s as “a wonderful place with wonderful people” from diverse socio-economic backgrounds.
“It’s a good mix in terms of lifestyles and professions with some wealthy who are able to give and a lot of working people,” she said. “We have faithfilled people who give of their time, talent and treasure.”
Pamela S. Rittman, CFRE, Director of Development and the Bishop’s Appeal, thank our generous donors, pastors, administrators and parish life coordinators, along with their volunteers and staff “who work tirelessly every year on the Bishop’s Appeal.”
“We appreciate and depend on their leadership,” she said. “While it’s vital that parishioners support their parish and pastor, the Gospel calls us to assist those in need and continue to spread our Catholic faith in a much larger way. The Bishop’s Appeal provides the necessary means to do this and fulfill the Bishop’s vision of ‘The One’ that unites us in service, compassion, and faith. We are grateful for everyone’s gift.”
Reflecting on the theme “One in Christ,” Bishop Caggiano has said, “All of the good works we perform are accomplished in the name of Christ and are expressions of our oneness in Him. As we work toward the renewal of the diocese, our task is nothing less than to invite people into the Mystical Body of Christ by creating welcoming, vital, and loving communities of faith and unites.”
“It is my prayer to bring our sisters and brothers together to encounter ‘The One’ and embrace the power of Jesus in our lives, especially in this year of Eucharistic Revival,” he said.
The 2023 Appeal is led by Co-chairs Paula Summa and Jim O’Neill of St. Paul Parish in Greenwich and Monsignor Robert E. Weiss, pastor of St. Rose of Lima Parish in Newtown. Morgan and Mark Mooney of St. Pius X Parish in Fairfield are this year’s Vice Chair Couple.
(The appeal is at 91 percent of its goal and there is still time to make your gift and reach your parish goal. Please visit or call 203.416.1470 today. Thank you for your generosity.)