C.S. Lewis, reflecting on his own prayer, once said, “I know now, Lord, why you utter no answer. You are yourself the answer. Before your face, questions die away. What other answer would suffice?”
“I know, now, Lord.” Lewis refers to “now” because he, like most of us, spends so much time in the past without an answer to our prayers. Even this great Christian author suffered in his prayer life, thinking his prayers were left unanswered.
But, he continues, “You are yourself the answer.” Here, Lewis is stating that there is no other answer but Jesus himself. Sometimes it’s “Go to Jesus,” or “Ask Jesus,” or “Thank Jesus,” but in even simpler terms, it’s just Jesus who is the answer in the same way He said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.”
When faced with the person of Jesus himself, who is the answer to everything, all our questions fade away. Or, in the words of Lewis, “Before your face, questions die away.” This is why we strive to know him and to be like him in our life and prayers. We strive to come close to him to get a glimpse of him who is the “way, the truth, and the life.”
Seeing him who is the truth, “What other answer would suffice?” Echoing the words of St. Peter, where else can we go, since Jesus has the words of everlasting life (Jn 6:68)? As we live our daily lives, with their ups and downs, their joyful moments and their disappointments, let us instill in our hearts and minds the simple fact that nothing of this world can answer the questions or prayers for which we seek answers. Let us look to find Jesus in his simplest way, to know love and to be love, even through the times of unanswered prayers.
By: Grace Wagner