BRIDGEPORT—The diocese has released “One in Christ, ” the new video to launch the 2023 Bishop’s Appeal throughout the Diocese of Bridgeport.
This year’s goal is $8.1 million to support the core programs and ministries in charity, formation, faith, education and catechesis throughout the Diocese of Bridgeport.
The three-minute video is narrated by Bishop Frank J. Caggiano who makes a personal appeal for unity of mission and charity.
“My dear friends in Christ, each year, I have the privilege to come and stand before you with a grateful heart to ask once again for your help to make the annual Bishop’s Appeal a great success. I do so this year very mindful that our world is deeply troubled, deeply divided, deeply conflicted. And so the theme I’ve chosen for the Appeal this year is simply, One in Christ,” Bishop Frank J. Caggiano says in his introduction to the video.
The Bishop makes references to new diocesan initiatives that are designed to draw the faithful “closer together in bonds of unity, friendship, and love. Not for our own sake, so that you and I hand in hand, heart to heart, shoulder to shoulder could go out into the world
and help whoever is in need, brother or sister alike, and invite them to see the true path that will allow the world the healing and hope, which is our right and destiny in Jesus Christ.”
The video was produced by Brian Russell of Fairfield, owner of Red Shoe Film and Video productions in Fairfield. It was produced in association with the diocesan development office.
This year’s Appeal supports new initiatives including “The Bridge” Center for Young Adult Entrepreneurship, a mentorship program for young adults. It will also help to fund the new Life Center and the St. John Paul II Evangelizing Communication Center planned to offer new paths of encounter to Christ.
The Bishop’s Appeal also support Catholic Charities, Pastoral Care for the Sick, the Institute for Catholic Formation, attendance at the upcoming World Youth Day in Lisbon, Portugal, the Bishop’s Scholarship Fund, seminarian formation and education, the Sacred Heart Guild, the Catherine Dennis Keefe Queen of the Clergy Residence for retired priests, and the Seton Collaborative, which provides business expertise and operational support to parishes and schools.
“Your gift, whether big or small, is a tangible sign that we are together one in Christ in allowing this mission to go forward into the world,” said Bishop Caggiano. “As always, my friends, I’m grateful for all that you have done, and for your fidelity, and for your generosity. And now this is the moment I’m asking you once again to recommit to the unity we share, the mission that is ours, to give hope to a waiting world.”
To make your gift online, please visit, or text the word, APPEAL, to 475.241.7849. If you have questions, please call 203.416.1470.