The Safe Environments Office is dedicated to ensuring the safety of all children in our Diocese.
Click here to report an incident of abuse or misconduct
Alternatively, you may download a PDF version of Incident Report Form
If this matter is urgent, please immediately contact:
Erin Neil
Director of Safe Environments & Victim Assistance Coordinator
(203) 416-1406 or (203) 650-3265
Victim Assistance Contact Information in the Diocese of Bridgeport
Instrucciones para Denunciar 2018 Sospecha de Abuso
If you have actual knowledge of or have reasonable cause to suspect abuse of a minor or vulnerable adult, or any allegation of abuse or misconduct involving a member of the Clergy, Seminarian, Religious Sister or Brother, Lay Employee, Lay Volunteer or Independent Contractor of the Diocese of Bridgeport, (whether the incident occurred recently or in the past) report that information immediately to:
Zgłaszać każde podejrzenie molestowania osoby niepełnoletniej, łącznie z dziecięcą pornografią, do księdza proboszcza, administratora parafii lub odpowiedniej osoby nadzorującej powyższe sytuacje w diecezji Bridgeport Erin Neil (203) 650-3265 & DCF 1-800-842-2288. Uczynię to w przeciągu 12 godzin od momentu posiadania świadomych informacji o popełnieniu przestępstwa w stosunku do osoby niepełnoletniej, bez wzgledu na to, czy rzekome nadużycie było popełnione niedawno czy w przeszłości.
Współpracować w zakresie dochodzenia w sprawach nadużyć seksualnych dzieci i młodzieży, jak i z każdym dochodzeniem o wykroczeniach osób pełnoletnich.
Comunicar qualquer suspeita de abuso ou risco de danos envolvendo um menor, incluindo pornografia infantil, ao Pastor, administrador ou supervisor adequado, a linha de cuidados de “DCF” e ao Coordenador de Assisténcia as Vitimas da Diocese de Bridgeport no prazo de (12).
Horas a partir do momento dp conhecimento destas informagées, independentemente se o alegado abuso tera ocorrido recentemente ou no passado.
Cooperar plenamente em qualquer investigacao envolvendo abuso de criangas, jovens ou em qualquer investigaco de ma conduta de adulto para adulto.
Erin Neil, L.C.S.W., Director of Safe Environment & Victim Assistance Coordinator
Office: (203) 416-1406
Mobile: (203) 650-3265
The CT Department of Children and Family (D.C.F.) Child Abuse and Neglect Care-line
within 12 hours of first becoming aware.
1 (800) 842-2288
• • •
For a report involving a vulnerable adult, call
Protective Services for the Elderly at the Department of Social Services
1 (888) 385-4225
After business hours or on weekends or state holidays, please call Info-line at 2-1-1
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If you would like to report a situation in which abuse or neglect is suspected concerning an individual with an intellectual disability between the ages of 18 and 59, please call 1 (844) 878-8923.
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Mandated Reporters are required by law to report directly to D.C.F. or to the Police any suspicion of abuse of a minor, risk of injury to a minor, child pornography, exploitation or neglect. This document is in addition to CT mandated reporting guidelines.
As of Oct. 2015, mandated reporters who fail to report suspected abuse of a minor or risk of injury within 12-hours of becoming aware, will be reported to the Chief State’s Attorney and may be charged with a felony. Third party information is reportable to D.C.F. and proof is not a requirement for reporting.
All information will be handled with a high level of confidentiality however full anonymity cannot be guaranteed in cases involving abuse of a minor. Mandated Reporters must complete a written report within 48-hours. Please visit our diocesan website at
WARNING SIGNS: If you have any concern about the safety of a child or if you have observed an early warning sign of inappropriate conduct or a violation of the Safe Environment Policies, please call the Safe Environment Office with what you know. THE STATE OF CT MANDATED REPORTING ONLINE TRAINING & CERTIFICATE (40 minutes)
Contact information for reporting suspected child abuse in all States
State of CT Department of Children and Family Services Training (DOCX) (2023)
Mandated Reporting of Elder Abuse in CT
2023 Mandatory Reporting of Suspected Abuse of a Minor or Vulnerable Adult (PDF) (2023)
For questions or concerns relating to Safe Environments, VIRTUS Awareness Training, Resources for Victims of Abuse or Mandated Reporting, please contact:
Erin Neil, L.C.S.W.
Director of Safe Environments & Victim Assistance Coordinator
Office: (203) 416-1406
Mobile: (203) 650-3265
This information is in addition to CT mandated reporting guidelines. You must also notify your immediate supervisor. If the incident of suspected abuse involves a supervisor, contact Safe Environments directly.
For assistance or questions relating to background checks, please contact:
Human Resources
(203) 416-1402
Otro Contacto Importante de Información
Reportadores Obligados por ley, tienen la obligación de reportar cualquier incidente de abuso sexual infantil al Departamento de Servicios Sociales del estado (D.C.F.). Este documento es adicional a las normas ya establecidas, de reportar el abuso infantil. Telefono a llamar en Connecticut “HOTLINE” Para abuso y negligencia infantil: 1-800-842-2288
Véase el informe adjunto de Requerimientos legales de Connecticut con respecto al Abuso Sexual y Negligencia Infantil.