St. Catherine Center Starts a New Chapter

Saint Catherine Center for Special Needs, is preparing to enter an exciting new chapter filled with growth and change. The Center is on the verge of a promising future, filled with endless opportunities.

The recent retirement of Helen Burland, who served as the Executive Director since 2008, marks the end of an era but beginning of a new chapter. Stepping into the role with confidence, expertise and familiarity is Laura Grozier, previously the Center’s Director of Operations. With a seamless transition of leadership, Saint Catherine Center is poised for continued success and growth under Laura’s guidance. Helen Burland reminds us, “Change is a positive force that brings growth.”

With commitment to constant improvement, the Center is on the verge of completing its Building for the Future Campaign. This expansive project will reimagine the programming and learning experiences offered by the Center.

Strategic renovations and expansion efforts will double the building’s square footage, providing necessary space to accommodate the evolving needs of the community. This transformational endeavor, built upon a solid foundation, will ensure Saint Catherine Center continues to thrive and spread its mission for many years to come. Click here for our latest building project update.

The Building for the Future Campaign not only presents opportunities for enrollment growth and evolving programs, but also promises updated, authentic learning spaces that will meet individual’s unique needs and empower them to grow and excel. Among the remarkable features of the expansion are a hydroponic grow room and a commercial- grade kitchen. These additions will not only facilitate skill-building programs but also offer real-world vocational experiences, preparing individuals for a meaningful life beyond their time at the Center.

To everyone who has been a part of this journey, Saint Catherine Center extends an invitation to join us at the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony on Friday September 15, at 10:30 a.m. Together, we can create a welcoming community where individuals with disabilities can thrive, achieve, and make meaningful connections.

If you would like to assist us in completing the outfitting of the new building, please click here. Your contribution is greatly appreciated.

See also: St. Catherine Center Welcomes Summer Interns