St. Matthew Knights help welcome faithful home

The Knights of Columbus St Matthew Council 14360’s favorite week of the year is Holy Week. Since the council started in 2007, they have assisted Msgr. Walter Orlowski with preparing the parish for Holy Week and the commemoration of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ–the most solemn time of the Church Year. Last year due to the beginning of the pandemic, the parish was not open for in-person Masses so it was nice to welcome everyone home for the holiest week of the year.

“As Knights we are the Church’s right arm; it is our responsibility to ensure we do all we can to help our Parish Priests, Staff and Fellow parishioners as they journey to the parish on such a Holy Week. In some cases, this also marked the return to a bit of normalcy as the pandemic has altered people’s plan to attend weekly Mass,” said Council Grand Knight Anthony Armentano.

The Council really stepped up at the start of the pandemic, not only helping with the re-opening of the parish after being closed to in person Masses but conducting food drives, donating winter coats for those in need, sending food to the frontlines of the pandemic as well as helping repair and beautify Catholic Schools in the area.

“I love my Brother Knights. This group of men truly loves to assist our parish and those in need. They truly love to put their faith into Action, “said District Deputy and Past Grand Knight George Ribellino.

In a year already affected by a global pandemic, the parish also experienced a great loss When St Matthew Pastor Msgr. Walter Orlowski who had taken ill during the early stages of the pandemic sadly passed away in December just a few days before Christmas. Parochial Vicar Father Sunil Pereira, who had assumed the leadership role in parish during Msgr’s illness and eventual passing, sought out the Knights and the council stepped up to assist him with ushering the Masses and assisting with various projects around the parish.

“Father Sunil is a great priest and did such a phenomenal job keeping our parish running seamlessly and we wanted to help our Brother Knight to help make his job easier. St Matthew Parish is so blessed to have Father Sunil,” said Ribellino

During Holy Week, the council cleaned the church, set up signs promoting Easter Masses, led the Outdoor Stations of Cross on Good Friday, changed the banners from Spring to Easter around the campus, cleaned and painted all of the outside statues, helped prepare for triduum services and supplied ushers and readers for the Holy Week Masses.

“In the most important time of our liturgical year and in the midst of such uncertainty, my Brothers did what they do best-serve their Parish, Community and our Priests with unceasing energy. It was such a beautiful and inspiring Holy Week in every aspect including and especially the opportunity to attend services together in public–an option not available at this time last year. Truly-a Happy Easter,” Armentano reflected as the last Easter Mass had ended.

The goals of the Knights of Columbus Council at Saint Matthew Church in Norwalk are to perform acts of charity. Providing those in need with a range of support from financial to tactical help in dealing with a wide variety of challenges. Council members work together to foster the founding principles of our order; Charity, Unity, Fraternity & Patriotism. Our goal as a council is to continue to identify specific needs in our community and muster support and help to alleviate these challenges and hardships to the best of our abilities and resources. For more information, please go to To join the Knights of Columbus, go to Free first year membership; use promo code MCGIVNEY2020.