Korean Catholic Community | Office of Multicultural Ministry

Emerging Multicultural Communities

This page will highlight communities that are still in the process of forming and growing, but hold great importance and value to the Diocese, now and in the future.

Korean Catholic Community

The Parish of St. Catherine of Siena and St. Agnes, Korean Community (SCAKC)

Marching together toward eternal life, “The Parish of St. Catherine of Siena and St. Agnes, Korean Community (SCAKC)” is a community of the faithful who come to understand and believe in a Triune God who is Father: Creator of the Universe, Jesus Christ: our Savior, and the Holy Spirit who leads us to true virtue. Moved by the Holy Spirit, we can merit for ourselves and for others all the graces needed to attain eternal life. (CCC 2027).

Our community follows the teachings of Jesus Christ, proclaims the gospel, and practices the theological virtues of faith, hope and charity. By God's grace, we consecrate ourselves and families to the Lord and, uniting with the local community we seek to fully love God and our neighbor.

성 카타리나-아네스 성당 한인 공동체

성 카타리나 - 아네스 한인 성당은 삼위일체이신 하느님, 곧 세상의 창조주이신 하느님과 우리 생명의 구원자이신 예수님, 그리고 우리를 참된 선으로 이끄시는 협조자 성령님을 올바로 깨닫고 믿음으로써 당신을 따르는 모든 이들에게 속하신 영원한 생명을 향해 나아가는 신앙 공동체이다.

Guadalupe Pilgrimage

SCAKC History

As the only Korean Catholic Community located in Southern Connecticut, SCAKC proclaims the gospel through the Korean Mass and seeks to fully love God and our neighbor by practicing faith, hope and charity. We celebrated our 1st Korean Mass at Saint Timothy Chapel in Greenwich in Happy Easter (April 3rd), 1988. Since then, we have celebrated the Korean mass for more than a generation. In September 8, 2019, we moved to the current location (St. Catherine of Siena Church) to better serve our Korean brothers/sisters in Fairfield County CT and Westchester County NY. We welcome everyone.


성카타리나–성아그네스성당한인공동체는커네티컷남부지역에위치한유일한한인가톨릭공동체로서모국어(한국어) 미사를통한선교와봉사를사명으로합니다. 우리공동체는1988년부활대축일(4월3일)에그리니치의성티모시채플에서첫미사를봉헌한이래로한세대가넘는기간동안꾸준히미사를봉헌해오고있습니다. 지난2019년9월8일부터는접근성이뛰어난성카타리나성당으로둥지를옮겼는데, 이는커네티컷페어필드카운티및뉴욕웨체스터카운티지역을중심으로좀더많은한인가톨릭형제자매들의신앙공동체로성장하기위한결정이었습니다. 한국어를통한가톨릭신앙생활에관심이있으신예비신자및방문하시는모든분들을저희공동체는환영합니다.

Korean Community Resources

Visit the Korean page at the Parish of St. Catherine of Siena and St. Agnes website:

SCAKC Newsletter Archive:

2022 Lent Retreat

Korean Mass Schedule

Time: @ 11:30 AM on every Sunday
Location: @ St. Agnes Church located at 247 Stanwich Road, Greenwich, CT
한국어 일정을 보려면 여기를 클릭하십시오